About the Department
The Department of English, Shift II is helmed by a team of twenty-four faculty members, resolute in realising its vision of instilling confidence commingled with good values in young minds ever since its inception. The department guides and promotes effective linguistic proficiency and good ethics to over six thousand students at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It serves to hone the communication skills and language competency of the students thereby enabling them to become effective communicators and confident citizens through its multi-faceted syllabus. The syllabus encompasses a wide variety of literary works ranging from the revered classics to the contemporary modern forms, designed with the aim of sensitising students on the diversity of cultures. Through its carefully compiled units on self-improvement and communication skills, the department facilitates students in becoming well-built personalities. The language learning process is upgraded even more with various innovative activities and events like quizzes, workshops on theatre and webinars on vocabulary, online learning and library resources.
- To impart quality English knowledge to students and facilitate a comprehensive and in-depth study of English literature.
- To provide updated and upgraded curriculum
- To help students develop a critical perspective to comprehend and analyze literature
- To research in specialized areas of knowledge pertaining to language and literature
- The syllabus is revived every few years to be on par with the current trends and skill set demands.
- The Board of Studies meeting is held prior to every syllabus revival. The alumni and the stakeholders of the college are included as members of the Board of Studies meeting to get feedback on the curriculum. Also, faculties from other affiliated colleges and experts from the industry and media are invited to be part of the board. Their guidance is taken and implemented.
- The streaming system was implemented from the year 2019 to cater to the different levels of English proficiency and competency among the students. A third component test is conducted for 100 marks before the first semester examination. The result of the same is analysed to identify slow learners and advanced learners.
- A more palatable and practical, communicative English oriented syllabus, is framed for the slow learners to improve their English language proficiency, which is introduced to them in the second semester. Emphasis is given on vocabulary, sentence structure, grammar, technical words and so on. Whereas, the advanced learners are trained to comprehend literature and prominence is given to creative and critical thinking.
- Peer learning is encouraged. The advanced learners help the slow learners understand the subjects. Students are also urged to use the library to lend novels, and present book review to their peers.
- Student-centric teaching-learning process is followed with emphasis on communication skills. The department conducts competitions such as oratorical, poetry recitation, essay writing and so on throughout the year to foster and nurture speaking and writing skills.
- Re-assessments and Supplementary examinations are conducted for the benefit of students.
- Apart from examinations, students are evaluated for their originality and creativity. Individual activities such as poster making, drama enacting, video making, poetry and short story writing are conducted to give wings to the students’ creativity. Group discussions, mock interviews and debates are also conducted as team building exercises that boost the confidence level of the students.
- Workshops are conducted every semester to introduce students to the various topics. The workshop on theatre kindled artistic expression in students. It showed them that theatre can be used as a powerful tool to emote ideas and create positive changes with a ripple effect on society.
- The e-resources workshop was an introduction to the various online resources that are available for student access. The students were taught on how to source and utilise authentic resources for their academic research.
- An e-workshop titled “Scrabble Game – An Enthralling Language Enhancer” was organised for the students to show that language learning can be fun. The students participated enthusiastically. Scrabble playing enriches vocabulary, aids in critical thinking of strategy and tactics, improves focus, memory, and cognitive intelligence of the students.
- The department conducted online quiz on the “Essentials of English Language” providing opportunity to both teachers and students to adapt themselves to the new environment and embrace new technologies along with knowledge enrichment.
- The faculties of the department keep themselves updated, adapt to the changing times and equip themselves according to the need of the hour. A webinar on the “Use of Online Games in Language Learning” was conducted for the teachers. The webinar set the faculties on a smooth sail for the forthcoming online teaching.
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