The College has been instrumental in promoting research / consultancy through its dedicated faculty members in the field of science, arts and commerce. The researchers of the college have published articles with good citation score and impact factor at the national and international level. Our aim is to reach at a higher level of competence on par with world class research institutes, and top-notch Universities and to strengthen research activities, the college promotes quality research in emerging areas of science and other socially relevant domains.
To encourage and motivate faculty, research scholars and students to publish articles in peer reviewed journals and to facilitate them to actively participate in conferences, seminars, workshops and symposiums for enhancement of their knowledge and to sustain in quality research that helps in nation building which may lead to the development and growth of the nation by socio, economic and scientific outcomes.
Research Development Cell

Dr. R. Kumaran
Dr.P. Vidya
Dr.Haridayal Sharma
Dr.T. Augustine Arul Prasad
Dr. M. Mani
Dr.S. Vaithyasubramanian
Dr.S. Deepalakshmi
Dr.G. Sriram Prasath
Dr. Meenakshi V
Dr. P.M. Ramesh Kumar
Mr.S. Gunalan
MemberResearch Policy Objectives
- To establish a hub for research activities and higher learning.
- To develop research and publications in reputed Journals and Publishers
- To encourage research findings to reach the society for better prospects
- To connect with institutions in exchanging ideas and technology that are within the state, country,and globally.
- To encourage filling patents that bring fame to the institution and nation.
Code of Ethics for Research
- Code of ethics and plagiarism for research play a prominent role for the higher educational institution carrying out research in the field of science, arts, humanities, and linguistics followed by the publication of articles in peer reviewed journals.
- Research ethics committee and research advisory committee has been framed in the college by the departments that will inculcate the research capacity among the faculty and students. The department of Economics, Commerce, Master of computer applications, Chemistry, Botany and Microbiology which offers Ph.D. program.
- The ethics committee for a Ph.D. scholar is composed of a chair person (head of the department) with members of the department (Two senior most faculties) who will monitor the progress of the research activities of the candidate till the end of the submission of the thesis. The ethics committee has been formed according to the guidelines provided by IQAC
- The Ph.D scholars of the above mentioned departments, upon submission of thesis to the affiliated university (University of Madras) have to obtain plagiarism report from the university authorities where upon a through scrutiny on the plagiarism check using URKUND software is generated.
- A plagiarism report (maximum allowed limit 20%) are made compulsory to submission of the thesis.
- Research work carried out by a faculty / a post graduate student in the form of journal publication / projects will be scrutinized by the concerned member of the committee and shall proceed for the submission in the journal.
- Preliminary checking of plagiarism for the publication will be performed by the ethics committee in order to main the standards of the research in order to published in reputed scientific journals as mentioned in UGC listed journals.
- Submitting a thesis or project report, the candidate is supposed to submit a certificate declaring the statement that the research work is conducted by him/her it is original work which is free from plagiarism.
Promotion of Research
Provision for Seed Money and Recognition Towards Contribution to Research
- Recognition of the faculties who have published articles/ letters/ communications/ review articles in SCOPUS indexed journals or in UGC CARE which have a significant impact factor based on CLARIVATE ANALYTICS. A certificate will be issued by the management with seed money of Rs 2000/- (Rupees Two thousand only).
- Based on the nature of the journal (SNIP/SJR/h-index and QUARTILE) the authors will be provided with seed money based on the impact and significance of the work. Appropriate proof and evidences should be provided.
- If the article published does not come under the criteria as mentioned by UGC CARE List, the authors can be provided with seed money of Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only). This is to encourage and motivate them to publish in UGC CARE List journals in the future.
- If multiple authors are present in an article, the seed money can be shared equally by the authors in the article (excluding faculties of other colleges/Universities/) if it involves collaborative work.
- A common research and well equipped lab for researchers/faculties who are doing part time in our college will be created which will be under the direct control of Dean of research and Principal.
- Provision of seed grant for the procurement high end instruments will be promoted which will be utilized for the research activities.
- To encourage the faculties for pursuing research work, a portion of the lab may be provided or they could access the facilities of a common instrumentation lab.
- Permission to be granted for filling questionnaires to the faculties for carrying out a mini research work which requires neither chemicals nor sophisticated instruments. This encourages staff from arts/languages and management stream faculties to carry research wok even during working hours.
- The faculties may be provided with 50% of the expenses towards publishing of text books under the college banner since it involves cost involving printing binding and other copyright issues. Such activity to be promoted only under the name of the college and not through other agencies in collaboration.
External Research Funds
All researchers are encouraged to get funds for research through submitting research proposals to Government and Non-government agencies in addition to the seed money provided.
Purchase of Equipment
All research equipment’s will be purchased as per the norms put forth by the sponsoring agency. The researcher may also use the equipment supplied by the donor for non-commercial purpose only.
Ownership of Equipment
Upon completion of the project all equipments purchased using research grants shall become the property of the College.
Collaborative Research Project
For collaborative research there should be formal agreement between the parties involved in the project. Then the proposal can be submitted to the agency for the financial assistance. Also the intellectual property rights of all researchers involved in the project must be clearly spelt out.
Research Award
Every year the following four Research awards are granted for staff members and distributed during Annual Day Celebrations. This initiative will encourage and promote research activities and for building up healthy competition among researchers
- Best researcher award for Arts (Shift I)
- Best researcher award for Science (Shift I)
- Best researcher award for Arts (Shift II)
- Best researcher award for Science (Shift II)
Plagiarism for Research
All researchers must ensure the originality of the research. The college which is affiliated to the University of Madras has a plagiarism check for research scholars based on which their dissertation/thesis submitted to the University is accepted on these grounds. We have initiated plagraism checking in our institution from the year….
Research Cell
The research cell is constituted with the Principal as Chairman, one of the Deans as Coordinator, and all research guides as members. The ways and means of improving research activities shall be discussed periodically during the meeting of Research cell.
Research Forum
In every research department, a research forum may be formed comprising research scholars / M.Phil scholars. A few motivated Post Graduate students can also be members of the Research Forum. The members of the Research Forum may be given chance to interact with the scientists and experts in the field whenever possible. The members may be given information on the summer research fellowships available in IISC, IITs, and other research institutes. The members may be encouraged to apply for projects announced by Tamilnadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Department of Science and Technology (DST), University Grants Commission (UGC), and other agencies. The Research Forum may organize regular research-oriented discussion on recent developments in research.
Promotion of Research at Department Level
The college has proposed innovative methods in promoting research for faculties and students. The guidelines proposed for active participation in Workshop / Symposium / Seminar / National Conference / International Conference/ Exhibition which are sponsored UGC/CSIR/ DST/DRDO/State Government Sponsored/INSA/IAS/ DAE/ National level College/University/ in accordance with Ministry of Education/Finance/Commerce.
Category 1: Participation of U.G/P.G/Students and M.Phil students
Category 2: Participation of Full time Research Scholars / Part time (College Faculties registered in D.G.Vaishnav College)
Category 3: Participation of Teaching Faculties (Aided / Unaided)
- State level Seminar/ Conference /Workshop/Symposium- Registration fees upto 1500 rs (Maximum). U.G/P.G/Students- less than 750 Rs and Full time Research Scholars / Part time – less than 1500 Rs.
- Preference to be given for those candidates who are presenting a poster/paper/Oral presentation. On duty will be provided based on the confirmation of the participation from the organisers and the reimbursement amount to be provided on the submission of the receipt along with the brochure/Invitation from the concerned authorities.
- For teaching faculties, On duty will be provided for the number of days including travel days (out station). Registration amount and travel concession would be provided based on the discretion of Principal/Management.
- A student/Faculty can avail these facilities only once/twice in a year. However, he/she can attend on their own interest for which no financial/travel assistance will not be provided. However, On duty will be permitted based on the recommendation of HOD/Principal.
Through consultancy a faculty provide predefined service to a client. In turn, the client pays an agreed consultancy fee for the services received. Consultancy paves way for the transfer of knowledge to address the need of a client. Consultancy may be offered with well-defined terms and conditions between the client and consultant. Consultancy is open to all staff members. The College encourages all staff members to share his/her expertise by way of consultancy that is appropriate to the college.
Revenue generated from consultancy services
Income from consultancies will be shared as per the following arrangement: If the Consultant has made use of the facilities available in the college for the purpose of offering consultancy, the consultant has to pay for the facilities utilized in the College. In the remaining amount, 90% will be used by the consultant or consultants if there is a team and 10% will be paid to the College
Extension Services
Vaishnav Initiative for Rural and Urban Service (VIRUS) - UG
Vaishnav Initiative for Building Rural Amenities, Nature and Technology (VIBRANT) -PG
The idea of imparting the values of the institution to the rural community so that the rural areas may benefit from the fruits of research, teaching and learning in our institutions is the sole aim of this pioneering outreach programme VIRUS and VIBRANT which was introduced during the academic year 2020-21. The primary objective of these programme is to contribute to the total development of people through awareness and training. It aims at creating a sense of social awareness and social concern among the students through exposure to rural realities leading to a committed involvement towards the integrated development of the rural poor.
This is a compulsory programme in which all II-year UG and I Year PG students are required to participate and it earns one credit for UG and two credits for PG students.
Every Department will be allotted one village situated around Chennai within a radius of 20 to 25 km. After an orientation programme the students will be required to visit their “adopted” village and interact with the people at regular intervals. This involvement and exposure, under the guidance of the staff, will make their learning socially relevant and useful both to the villagers and to the students. Each department will have one member of the staff as contact person to whom the students could refer matters concerning this village programme.
The Main Activities That Will be Taken up by VIRUS/VIBRANT are
- Environment
- Literacy
- Helping the villagers to attend to their basic needs like drinking water, electricity, transport, patta for housing, road-laying etc., by contacting Government and Voluntary agencies.
- To engage in consultancy and extension activities
- To motivate the staff to utilize the skills towards enhancement of knowledge
- To increase external funding for doing research by way of writing proposals to Government and Non-government agencies
- To implement research-based learning
- To enter into research partnerships with other institutions
- To teach viable technology to rural youth, thereby enabling them for self-employment