About the Department
The Department of B.A English was started in the year 2013. The course is structured in such a way that students can gain knowledge as well as unleash their creative capabilities. The department revised the syllabus in 2017-18 to enhance the career choices for the students. Journalism is offered as an elective and Non- Major Electives like Advertising and Public Relations, Communication: Broadcasting & Telecasting expose and train the students to acquire skills in these diverse fields. The department also offers English for Career to improve the students communication skills and ensure their employability. Students are encouraged to participate in various academic, cultural and sporting events.
The M.A. English Department was started in June 2019. The Department offers an ideal balance between creativity and critical enquiry that would prepare students for an academic career as scholars and at the same time lay emphasis in literary analysis, creative work and other developing areas of enquiry with the help of its trained senior faculty. Thus students planning to enter professional or academic job front after graduation, would leave with skills expertise to communicate, collaborate and solve problems in an increasingly challenging culturual landscape.
The M.A. Department of English aims at offering a subtle balance between intellectual passion, creativity and critical enquiry to prepare students for a strong academic career, invigorate human relationship and to accept responsibility in the constantly changing scenario of life. This will facilitate students' entry to professional or academic job markets after course completion, with skills to enable them to communicate, collaborate and solve problems in a constantly changing cultural landscape.
- To impart knowledge and skills in various aspects of English Language and Literature
- To rouse intellectual curiosity in the minds of the students.
- To develop competency in the language and enable students emerge confident users of the language
- To instill values and ethics, groom their personality and enable them emerge as empathetic and humane individuals.
- To constantly update and revise the syllabus, so as to be relevant and contemporary.
- To impart quality English knowledge to students and facilitate a comprehensive and in-depth study of English literature.
- To provide updated and upgraded curriculum
- To help students develop a critical perspective to comprehend and analyze literature
- To research in specialized areas of knowledge pertaining to language and literature
Best Practices of the Department
- Industry-ready CVs - The students are all encouraged to formulate Industry-ready CVs so that they are ready to find place within the job market
- Songs - English songs are used as a tool to help students become well acquainted with the nuances of the English language and improve confidence
- Blogs/Vlogs - Students are encouraged to create blogs/vlogs to catalogue their interests
- Video Content - Video book reviews were used as evaluative tools to help students to understand the interface between the written word and the visual media
- ICT - Students encouraged to use ICT tools as parts of their evaluation to encourage them to become familiar with technology that will help them in the work space
- Collaborative Learning - Collaboration to study is actively encouraged and guided so that the students learn how to work within a team and negotiate team dynamics, an essential skill in any work space
- Teaching - Students encouraged to take up part time teaching jobs to help them gain experience in the art of teaching
- Experiential Learning –Students were encouraged to interpret the text through AV presentations, enacting a play, mime and adaptation that enhance their learning experience
- Best Practices – Workshop conducted on Reporting and Writing as well as translation as a follow up activity
- Students were asked to translate any piece of literary work from their mother tongue to English language. They selected poem, prose and short stories, in order to practically apply the theory of translation studies.
- Spotlight – A journal was created by the students, wherein all the articles and poems by the students were included.
- Spectra – A newsletter has been created by the students of the English Department. It includes poems, crossword, literary quiz, graffiti, trivia, book reviews and movie reviews. It encourages students to express their creative self and it acts as a platform for the youth.

Mr. J. Praveen Prabhu, M.A., M.Phil., B.Ed., NET., SET., MBA (Edu Mgt), Ph.D (Pursuing)
Assistant Professor and Head i/c.

Will be updated soon...