Shri. Ashok Kumar Mundhra
Secretary & Chief Patron
Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo, M.Sc. Ph.D.,
Principal, Patron & Convener
Ms. A. Vijayalakshmi
Head i/c, UG Department of Computer Science
Dr. K. Nirmala
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Quaid-E-MillathCollege , Chennai-002.
Dr.A. Murugan
Head, PG & Research Department of Computer Science
Dr. Ambedkar Government Arts College, Chennai-39.
Head, PG Department of Computer Science
The New College, Chennai-14.
Dr. A. Abdul Rasheed
Professor, Department of Computer Applications
CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
Dr. Gururaj H L
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science Engineering
Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore.
Associate professor,Department of Computer applications,
VISTAS,(Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies)
Associate Professor, Department of BCA & IT
School of Computing Sciences
VISTAS (Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies) Chennai.
Dr.A. Ambeth Raja
Head, PG Department of Computer Science
Thiruthangal Nadar College, Chennai-51.
Associate Professor, PG Department of Computer Science
Thiruthangal Nadar College, Chennai-51.
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
JBAS College for Women, Chennai-18.
The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum for researchers, faculty members and also the students to present their contributions in various IT related fields like Machine Learning, IOT and Smart Technologies.
The authors are invited to submit their original and unpublished papers on any of the below topics but are not limited to the following Sub-themes.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Machine Learning – Challenges and Solutions
Natural Language Processing
Soft Computing
Internet of Things
Blockchain Technology
Deep Learning Applications
Web Mining
Business Intelligence
Cloud Computing systems
Networking systems
Automation and Robotics
Registration is Mandatory
Abstract should not exceed 500 words.
Full paper, in IEEE Format, should not exceed 12 pages.
Plagiarism is not allowed.
Soft copies should be mailed to [email protected]
The accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings with ISBN number. Registration Fee is Rs.500 and presentation/participation certificate will be given to the participants.
Further selected papers will be recommended for publication in UGC Care Journal/Scopus Indexed Journal pertaining to the norms of the journal. Journal publication and processing charges shall be borne by the authors only.
DAY 1:
Head of Major- Computer Networks,
Department of Information Technology,
Sohar College of Applied Sciences,
Dr.M.Farida Begam
Associate Professor,
Department of Information Science and Engineering,
CMR Institute of Technology,
Kundalahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka.
Dr.A. Meenakshi M.E. Ph.D.,
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology,
DAY 2:
Dr.Ajay B Gadicha
Assistant Professor,
Computer Science & Engineering Department,
P.R. Pote College of Engineering & Management,
Rampuri Camp, Amravati.
Dr.Vani Perumal
Assistant Professor,
Department of Information Technology,
University of Technology and Applied Sciences,
Sur Campus, Sultanate of Oman.
Dr. Mohammad Mahnoud Abu Omar
Professor in Information Systems,
AI-Quds Open Univ.,