Shri. Ashok Kumar Mundhra
Secretary & Chief Patron
Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo, M.Sc. Ph.D.,
Principal, Patron & Convener
Dr. P.T. Srinivasan
Prof. Sangeetha Sathyanarayan
Asst. Professor
Prof. S. Vaidehi
Asst. Professor
Dr. G. Sriram Prasath
Asst. Professor
Dr. D. Venkatesh
Asst. Professor
Prof. M. Maria Caroline Rebellow
Asst. Professor
Dr. R. Uma
Asst. Professor
Dr. D. Saravanan
Asst. Professor
Dr. M. Kavitha
Asst. Professor
Prof. K. Nagalakshmi
Asst. Professor
Dr. D. S. Pushparani
Asst. Professor
The Neuberg Crew and Department of Biochemistry invites you to participate in a two day Online International Conference on ‘’INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN AN ERA OF VACCINES’’ (ICIDEV-2021), to be held on 18th &19th OCTOBER 2021.
Original Research papers under the following topics are invited for publication.
- Antibiotic resistance microbes
- Omics in infectious diseases
- Nanotechnology in infectious diseases
- Artificial Intelligence in Health
- Phytotherapy
- Role of Bioinformatics in target identification
- Cell signalling pathways in ameliorating diseases
- Secondary metabolites as drugs
Poster presentation on the above themes is also invited.
Important Dates: -
Submission of abstract: 20 September 2021
Submission of full-length paper: 27th September 2021
Acceptance notification: 30th September 2021
Conference date: 18th & 19th October 2021
Dates for submission of abstracts and paper have been extended on request.
All abstracts will be published in conference proceedings with ISBN Number and selected research papers will be published in UGC recognized/UGC care journals.
Article processing charges should be paid directly by the authors to the journal.
More details will be shared to the registered mail id.
CONFERENCE BROCHURE: Click Here to Download
Participation ₹ 100
Paper/ poster ₹300
Prerequisites for e-Certificate:
1. Registration is compulsory.
2. Participation in live online session mandatory
3. Submission of feedback form
4. It is the responsibility of participants to write their name and designation correctly. Once the information is filled any further corrections will not be entertained
Fulfilling the stated conditions e-Certificates will be sent through email within 10 days of the completion of the event
Find our brochure attached below for any other information.
Mrs. S. Vaidehi, Asst. Prof., Biochemistry - 7904246380