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AQAR 2022 – 2023

AQAR 2022 – 2023

1.1.1 - Curricula developed and implemented have relevance to the local, national, regional and global developmental needs which are reflected in Programme Outcomes (POs), Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) and Course Outcomes (COs) of the various Programmes offered by the Institution. - View Document

1.1.2.  Programmes where syllabus revision was carried out - View Document

1.1.3.  Courses focusing on employability/entrepreneurship/ skill development 

  1. Mapping document - View Document
  2. List of courses - View Document
  3. Syllabus copy - View Document

1.2.1 - New courses introduced during the year - View Document

1.2.2 -  Programmes offered through Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective Course System

1.3.1 - Institution integrates cross-cutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability, and Human Values into the curriculum - View Document

1. 3.2 -Number of value-added courses for imparting transferable and life skills offered during the year - View Document

1.3.3 - Number of students enrolled in the courses under 1.3.2 above - View Document

1.3.4 -  Students undertaking field work, projects, internships / student projects 

1.4.1 & 1.4.2 - Structured feedback and review of the syllabus (semester-wise / year-wise) is obtained from 1) Students 2) Teachers 3) Employers and 4) Alumni  - View Document

2.2.1 - The institution assesses students’ learning levels and organises special programmes for both slow and advanced learners - View Document

2.3.1 - Student-centric methods such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem-solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences: - View Document

2.3.2 - Teachers use ICT-enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning - View Document


2.4.3 - Total teaching experience of full-time teachers in the same institution: (Full-time teachers’ total teaching experience in the current institution) - View Document
2.4.2 - Full time teachers with Ph.D - View Document

2.5.2 - Number of students’ complaints/grievances against evaluation against the total number who appeared in the examinations during the year  - View Document

3.3.2 - Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Entrepreneurship and Skill Development during the year

3.4.1 - The Institution ensures implementation of its Code of Ethics for Research uploaded in the website through the following:

  1. Research Advisory Committee
  2. Ethics Committee
  3. Inclusion of Research Ethics in the research methodology course work
  4. Plagiarism check through authenticated software

3.4.3 - Number of research papers per teacher in CARE Journals notified on UGC website during the year - View Document

3.4.4 - Number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published per teacher during the year - View Document

3.6.1 - Extension activities carried out in the neighbourhood sensitising students to social issues for their holistic development, and the impact thereof during the year  - View Document

3.6.3 - Number of extension and outreach programmes conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC/Red Cross/YRC, etc. during the year (including Government-initiated programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS Awareness, and Gender Sensitization and those organised in collaboration with industry, community and NGOs)   &  3.6.4 - Number of students participating in extension activities listed in 3.6.3 during the year  - View Document

3.7.1 - Number of collaborative activities during the year for research/ faculty exchange/ student exchange/ internship/ on-the-job training/ project work - View Document

3.7.2 -Functional MOUs - View Document

4.1.3 - Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT-enabled facilities  - View Document

4.2.4 - Usage of library by teachers and students (footfalls and login data for online access)  - View Docment

  4.3.4 Institution has the following Facilities for e-content development - View Document
1.Media centre
2.Audio visual centre
3.Lecture Capturing System(LCS)
4.Mixing equipments and softwares for editing

5.1.3 - The following Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement activities are organised for improving students’ capabilities

  1. Soft Skills - View Document
  2. Language and Communication Skills - View Document
  3. Life Skills (Yoga, Physical fitness, Health and Hygiene) - View Document
  4. Awareness of Trends in Technology - View Document

5.1.4 - Number of students benefitted from guidance/coaching for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution during the year  - View Document

5.2.1 - Number of outgoing students who got placement during the year  - View Document
5.2.2 - Number of outgoing students progressing to higher education - View Document


5.3.1 - Awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports and/or cultural activities at inter-university / state /national / international events

5.3.2 - Presence of an active Student Council and representation of students in academic and administrative bodies/committees of the institution

5.3.3 - Sports and cultural events / competitions organised by the institution - View Document

6.1.2 - Effective leadership is reflected in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management - View Document

6.2.3 - Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation: - View Document

  1. Administration
  2. Finance and Accounts
  3. Student Admission and Support
  4. Examination

6.3.4 - Faculty participation in Professional Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Courses, Short-Term Course, etc.)  - View Document

7.1.1 - Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year  - View Document



7.1.2 - Facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation - View Document

7.1.4 - Water Conservation Facilities - View Document

7.1.5 - Green Campus Initiatives - View Document

7.1.7 - The Institution has a disabled-friendly and barrier-free environment:

  1. Ramps/lifts for easy access to classrooms and centres - View Document
  2. Disabled-friendly washrooms - View Document
  3. Signage including tactile path lights, display boards and signposts - View Document
  4. Assistive technology and facilities for persons with disabilities: accessible website, screen-reading software, mechanized equipment, etc. - View Document
  5. Provision for enquiry and information: Human assistance, reader, scribe, soft copies of reading materials, screen reading, etc. - View Document


7.1.8 - Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e. tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal, socio-economic and other diversities - View Document

7.1.11 - National & International commemorative days, events & festivals - View Document

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